* = reversed
Aries: Three of Cups: party, invitations, sibling quarls, indigestion, Tommy gun syndrome, stepping in gum, wash your feet, baby shower or engagement party, communicating with a cousin or long distance relative, wine tasting, dinner menu, movies in bed, popcorn, shrinkage, karaoke night, divorce, making a scene in public, Jones, in-vitro, spectacle, military, homecoming, short distance trip with friends, graduation party,
Taurus: Seven of Wands*: nervousness, approach, tiger, running shoes, weights are too heavy, turtle, charlie horse, sweeping your porch or in front of your door, new love with kids from multiple different people, scrapbooking, high school yearbook, jazz night, pool table or pool hall, gambling addictions, g-string, dachshund, having a hard time studying for a test, failing a driver’s test, Spanish class or learning another language
Gemini: Justice*: illegal, sculpture, broken picture frame, stand your ground, giving money to charity, returned mail, unfair treatment, verbal abuse from a stepparent or another air sign, scripture, going back to church, ladder, social distancing, whoop and cough, older sibling declining your calls, failing a speech class or waiting until the last minute to work on a project, contract work gets you through, declined loan application (wait until May)
Cancer: Wheel of Fortune: party time, a chance meeting with someone new, career takes off in a new direction, being published in a magazine, go with the flow, carry a tarot card with you, bring a pencil or a pen, having your picture taken, gingivitis, cancel culture, Marie Antoinette, being offered a higher position, supervisor wants a meeting with you, spin the wheel, casino, parakeet, hawk, meeting a Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio or libra, an old project gets renewed, someone wants to apologize, don’t emotionally spend
Leo: Six of Swords: moving, moving in with someone, putting the past behind you, blood pressure test, silver bracelet, pain medicine, trouble sleeping, acupuncture, buying a guard dog, Aquarius wants to talk, breaking a lease, can’t find your wallet, booking a cruise for next summer, Hawaii, sandman, tablet, internet sleuthing, spying on a younger air sign, driving instead of flying
Virgo: King of Cups*: taking care of a sick parent, a water sign wants you to baby them, falling out with your mother or older sister, losing your keys, trains, struggling to stay on task, playing Uno, losing your competitive spirit, they aren’t offering you enough money, giving up on love, for now, water sign turns their back on you, forgetting to deposit money in the bank, overdrawn account, slip and slide, black ice, tires spinning, time for an alignment, unable to move right now, struggling to differentiate between what's real and what's fake with this person, running into an old high school teacher
Libra: Hanged Man: be patient, let go of situations outside of your control, losing your toothbrush, a child writes on your furniture or on your wall, a child wants to be an artist so start investing in them, circus, gymnastics, stretch when you wake up, fall asleep to sounds of the ocean, focus on something else instead of this person, they aren’t going anywhere, for now, issues with a rash on your inner thigh, change your laundry detergent, answer your phone on Tuesday around 12 pm or 2 pm, it’s important, spending too much time on the internet, living in la la land, wake up
Scorpio: The Emperor: standing strong, getting organized, taking charge of a situation with a fire sign, working closely with a boss on a project, spending much-needed time with your kids, getting the respect you deserve, the temptation will be your downfall, having sex with a coworker, this person is pretending to like you, they need money and don’t want love, focus on your studies and work, stay away from drugs, a new love may have you experimenting with bad things, obsessing over a family situation, a family breaking up, don’t lose yourself trying to find your purpose, this job may be bringing out the worst in you
Sagittarius: Ten of Pentacles*: losing a family member or heirloom, losing the key to a safe, gun safety, getting a new case for your phone, spending more money on a purchase than you were expecting, asking family for help but they may be unable to right now, crows feet, trying to put someone on child support, spying, speaking with your father or brother, missing your therapy appointment, oversleeping due to depression, having a crush on someone but afraid to tell them how you feel, HIPAA violation, new job opportunity will come a week after next, not having a lot of sex with your partner, trying to get pregnant with a girl, watch out for teenage pregnancy, wait to apply for any sort of bank loans or mortgages
Capricorn: Lovers*: torn between two people, regretting a decision, confused on what path to take, getting rid of your cable, outage with the internet or some sort of power outage, giving the ring back, getting rid of your convertible, swing in the backyard, Michael Myers movies, you love them but they’re not loving you back, praying for a miracle, focusing on your talent for drawing, painting, or communication, a younger air sign will be your husband/wife, your manifestation will come true in April, don’t spend any more money on this partner, they didn’t get you a Christmas gift, this person is selfish,
Aquarius: Four of Pentacles*: let go, having to dip into your savings to fix a fence or something tied to your home, letting go of a codependent situation, lying about having money, wisdom teeth or having a tooth pulled, insurance, moving bank accounts, trading in a car, don’t park your car in a tow away zone, running away from a Scorpio or some sort of problem, endings, and new beginnings, someone paying you for your time, capitalizing off a side hustle, a new friend coming into your life, someone randomly gives you $20-$50, if it ends this week just let it, issues with inheritances, sacrificing a new opportunity that seems to unexpected, don’t push, don’t pull, just flow, not drinking enough water, pus type liquid, sinus infection, you can make money but having a hard time saving it, get a better budget for 2024
Pisces: Page of Pentacles*: inactivity, being unenrolled from a class or course, focusing too much on your looks, not getting the internship or new position you applied for, false start with someone new coming into your life, feeling abandoned or an air sign is avoiding you, someone is rubbing you the wrong way, poetry, you know the truth you’re just waiting for them to tell you, tired of dating, abundance will be coming into you three days before the week is over, unexpected pregnancy by march, falling for another water sign person, going to the doctor for a checkup, someone appreciating your big heart, gold necklace, the soulmate you’re looking for it coming this week or close to June, their apology is sincere