Ashton Kutcher has transit Uranus cruising in his 12H of hidden affairs, secret enemies, subconscious.
Uranus is in Taurus which is tied to unexpected changes to money/currency
12H also rules prison, isolation. Aquarius is the sign on his 10H (career)
12H transit Uranus can highlight friends who really are your enemies. And since it also may have secrets tied to this. Your “friend” may hold secrets that could be damaging enough to land you behind bars.
Since Uranus is also the co-ruler of his 10H, he should have sat there and ate his food. This placement joys being behind the scenes. But I’m sure a hidden enemy is the reason his letter was ousted.
However, what’s done in the dark of the 12H will eventually come to light.
Plus Uranus is sextile his natal Leo Saturn = unexpected recognition
Can’t forget that Leo is the stage. Again, the dark can only hide for so long.