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Daily Horoscopes November 23

Aries: You’ll be having trouble focusing today as you try to find out what will make you truly happy. Is it a relationship, going back to school, moving to a new place? You’re not exactly sure yet but you also will be dealing with disturbances from kids, neighbors or there could be a domestic disturbance. SO try to keep the arguing at bay today, please. You’ll want to be philosophical with people but they aren’t interested in what you’re saying. It’s best to just write this down in your journal.

Taurus: You’re starting to become okay with not having a connection right now. You are taking your space as this Taurus, Gemini, or Sagittarius asked. You’ll be interested in trying new food today and could go for Dominican or Asian cuisine. You’ll also be interested in life insurance policies or getting better insurance. You’re starting to do better when it comes to managing your finances. It also may be time to change banks because of all their hidden fees.

Gemini: Someone will be thinking the world of you today and they’ll be saying it via text message or you may get a special social media post about this. You’ll need to carry someone’s luggage so there is an incoming visitor late this evening or early Wednesday morning. You seem at your happiest with a lot of people around you so there will be a boost in your mood or energy starting today. Today you’ll start decorating for Christmas.

Cancer: Try not to lose your cool with a younger air sign. You won’t be in the mood for jokes today and you may end up cutting someone with your words even though they were just trying to make you laugh. You also may find out by the end of the day that someone stole an idea of yours or they are trying to take credit for the work you did at your job. As tempting as it may be to give people a piece of your mind, it won’t be worth it in the end or you’ll find yourself having a bad reputation. If you want to set out in new territory for your career today is a good day to take a leap

Leo: Feeling victorious in your work today as you get recognition via email or if you are a photographer you’ll be contacted by someone who wants to use your work in an upcoming magazine or to post it on their website. You also may be running into someone that you haven’t seen in a while that is another Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, or Virgo. You and this person won’t know what to say to one another since things ended not so well. So this will be a hi and bye

Virgo: You are holding firm on a boundary you’ve put in place for an air sign. You have your sword out and you are ready to cut this person off at the sign of any rude or negative behavior toward you. You will be making a doctor’s appointment today for your skin or issues with your feet. If you’re in school there may be issues with a biology or chemistry professor; get every conversation in writing. You’ll speak the truth today whether they want to hear it or not.

Libra: You could be working on a new team project that deals with design. You’ll be reviewing paperwork today as you look for some sort of receipt or a way to get out of your current lease. You won’t find what you’re looking for so you’ll just have to wait until your lease is up to move. Make sure that you don’t leave your purse in your car or laying around or someone will pick it up. This idea that you have will make you a lot of money. Or if you’re in a career involving cars, medical supplies, paper, music, furniture, architect or graphic design, this will be very lucrative for you.

Scorpio: Having a hard time keeping your eyes open at work. Even if you’ve been resting this past week, today you’ll feel extremely tired. You also may be worried about having to move unexpectedly due to a lack of work or being laid off. Things will start to pick up today after 3 or 4 in the evening. People can’t help you if you don’t open your mouth and let them know what you need. Those of you with a fire sign will be thinking of letting them go today but you don’t know how to do it without being blamed for everything.

Sagittarius: Packing your bags to leave soon. Either you’ll be moving to your own place or you’ll be going on vacation. Another fire sign will be giving you mixed singles on if they love you or they love you not. You may be living with this person now. You will change your mind about having visitors in your house because you don’t want to clean up after people but you also are afraid of them judging your place.

Capricorn: You’re trying to be as patient as you can about a court process that has been dragging for the last 11 weeks or months. This may be the day that a separation really hits you. You may have not thought about it that much when it happened but now you miss them. You’d be damned if you reach out because you feel they owe you an apology. The scales have finally been balanced in this situation because it wasn’t fair across the board. You’ll also be in the mood to learn about politics, activism, or humanitarian groups.

Aquarius: You’ll be getting an invitation to a baby shower, wedding, or some sort of gathering that involves people from your community or younger siblings. You’ll be in a joyous mood today and you may even open up and talk to a stranger. You’re trying to pull yourself out of this shell that you’ve been in. You’ll also be unclear if you accept this friend's apology or if you even want to continue being friends with them. You’ll be outgrowing friends from high school or college so prepare for new people to enter your life.

Pisces: Your faith or strength may be tested today as you continue to worry about a health issue that seems hard to diagnose. You’ll also be considering giving a Leo or someone with Leo placements a second chance. But after some time alone and by the end of the day you will realize that loving this person means that you lose respect for yourself, especially after what they put you through, so you’ll be saying goodbye. Private school applications or applying to law school will go in your favor today. A new connection with an air sign will be coming.

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