Aries: eight of swords: you’re not staying in this mess anymore. You may be having an argument with a Sagittarius or other fire sign about their hygiene or them not cleaning up. Toothaches and migraines will start to get better. Hydrocortisone cream will help with the rash or you could be getting a tattoo
Taurus: three of pentacles: don’t forget to validate your parking today and this weekend. You’ll be working on a new art project or shopping for new appliances. You’ll be leaving work early just because. Communication will start again with another earth sign
Gemini: king of swords: still feel that this other air sign person is lying to you about where they were last night or last week. You may be craving a little danger today so you’ll be in the mood for extreme sports or go-kart riding. Have difficulty passing your medical exams or training for work. You will cancel a doctors appointment
Cancer: moon: today you’ll be working on finding or achieving passive income. You’ll be in the mood for writing, watching movies, baking. But you also could choose one of these to gain extra money from. You are worried about a dream you had. You’ll be moody today so you’re likely to go off without a good reason. A broken camera
Leo: feeling rejected by a family member. Travel plans may get canceled or need to be canceled. You're having anxiety about everything tied to foreign countries, education, religion, or learning a new language. Today you’ll be afraid of everything. This will box you into being stuck in the same place again for ten more years because it’s the safe option
Virgo: queen of wands: you’re working on stepping more into your feminine energy. So you will be thinking of doing something different to your hair. Don’t be so argumentative today or that will be you slipping back into old patterns. You’re thinking about getting a cat or fish. Not a good day to start a business or look for a new job.
Libra: judgment: bad dreams again. Still feeling judged for mistakes you made in your past. If you’re engaged, you may be feeling like you want to call it off. Things aren’t getting better like you’d hope they would. Finances are the issue. One person feels they don’t make enough. Or one person feels because they make the money they make the rules. Start a new chapter book. The best thing to do is go with the flow.
Scorpio: queen of swords: you’ll be feeling bossed around today by an air sign woman. Someone is pushing you to sign papers that you don’t want to sign. Time apart is on the horizon because of the lack of respect in this situation. There is a third party in your relationship rather you want to accept that or not. Don’t change your job though, a promotion is coming in March
Sagittarius: five of pentacles: worried about your money. You may feel worthless or like a failure when your bank account is low. These are just your insecurities. Because you will struggle with telling the real issue, you’ll make up an excuse to break up with someone. This could be a ten-year friendship ending as well. Don’t gamble today. You will decline an invitation to have fun because you’re grieving. Accept the invite
Capricorn: two of cups: things are looking good with this water sign person. You are realizing that you feel the same way about them. A new contract tied to healthcare, bartending, cosmetology, or spiritual work will be coming through. You will be exchanging feelings with one another and will be surprised by what they say.
Aquarius: ace of swords: feeling lethargic and struggling to get out of bed or out of the house. A truth from another air sign may have just hit you like a ton of bricks. You don’t know what to do about it. Coffee, tea, or the smell of chamomile may bring some energy back to you. You will be blocking anyone's efforts today who’s trying to figure out what’s wrong with you
Pisces: Nine of Cups: you didn’t get what you wanted after all. You’re trying to move to a new city or new area but they won’t accept your application or it’s outside your price range. Today you may feel that you’re not so lucky. Bills, bills and more bills have you panicking. But a fire sign comes to save the day. This could be an ex. After they help you, you’ll be considering a relationship with them again. Sometimes you have to save your own ass
The audio version of these horoscopes is available below