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Divine Faith
Sep 16, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Ashton Kutcher has transit Uranus cruising in his 12H of hidden affairs, secret enemies, subconscious.
Uranus is in Taurus which is tied to unexpected changes to money/currency
12H also rules prison, isolation. Aquarius is the sign on his 10H (career)
12H transit Uranus can highlight friends who really are your enemies. And since it also may have secrets tied to this. Your “friend” may hold secrets that could be damaging enough to land you behind bars.
Since Uranus is also the co-ruler of his 10H, he should have sat there and ate his food. This placement joys being behind the scenes. But I’m sure a hidden enemy is the reason his letter was ousted.
However, what’s done in the dark of the 12H will eventually come to light.
Plus Uranus is sextile his natal Leo Saturn = unexpected recognition
Can’t forget that Leo is the stage. Again, the dark can only hide for so long.
Divine Faith
Sep 16, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Tyrese Gibson-Major Aspect
His Ascendant lord mars is conjunct his detriment moon in Capricorn
An aspect where you wear your heart on your sleeve, emotionally passionate nature. However one may struggle to let out their darker emotions, which can equal irrationality or anger
His ascendant lord is exalted in Capricorn which can make him very tactful and good at deliberating/negotiating business deals.
3H = contracts
Since mars is in the 3H of communication,neighbors, siblings (younger), the pushy side of this planet can come out.
Moon rules mind. So paired up with a fiery planet in a house that deals with intellect can start the battle of mentally, losing one’s mind. Especially if you don’t let the darker emotions out.
Natalie Cole, had this same aspect, she spiraled out of control and didn’t want to leave a burning building.
Not to mention since mars exalts in a sign that deals with boundaries or restrictions, it’s like caging an animal.
Literal animal like behavior can emerge from this conjunction.
Also, pushiness. Have you ever encountered someone you have to walk on eggshells? You can’t say anything out of risk of setting them off.
moon is tied to women so these people may see this mars/moon aspect in real time.
Whereas the world only gets a glimpse.
He may push until you say you’ve heard him. Literally pushing so much it’s hard to keep anyone in your life
In the end, just like with anyone, he just wants to be loved. But it doesn’t excuse his behavior.
His mars is on 13° Capricorn
13° ♑️ = sarcasm, aggressive
When this moon/mars connection is bad, it’s really bad.
Divine Faith
Sep 10, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I know I haven't posted in a bit when it comes to Astro insights, but I had a feeling that Topher was a cancer or has a particular aspect -- he's getting retribution right now.
Topher grace either was a cancer or had Jupiter/Uranus aspect. And what do you know, he has both.
Jupiter+Uranus = rebel
Cancer energy can play the long game when it comes to retribution. Which is why they should be patient, your time always comes
Jupiter/Uranus is very open minded. They don’t follow the leader, they stand alone and all of a sudden people want to follow them.
Because their “rebellious” nature is really just them going against norms. People will catch on eventually
Topher has Jupiter in cancer trine a Uranus in Scorpio
Scorpio = secrets
With Jupiter in cancer aspecting here, it makes me think that the secrets he held or what he could have saw, hit home. Since Uranus is unexpected, he could have been put in an uncomfortable/unexpected position when it came to Danny Masterson on the show -- they wanted him to be silent.
But with this aspect, I'm sure he rebelled and the rebellion could have even came after telling an authority figure. With Jupiter/Uranus, they aren't going to stray too far from their morals/values, Whatever those may be. So if you are morally corrupt, a Jupiter/Uranus person is probably going to call it out.
In this instance the corruption, again, could have been around doctors, pharmaceuticals, sex parties (Scorpio influence), or something sexually speaking happening in someone's home that he unfortunately had to be witness to. He was done at that point. His jupiter/Uranus kicked in and he was like
Divine Faith
Jul 23, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Let’s talk about asteroid Heracles (5143)
Heracles, also known as Hercules, can show you where you can achieve god like status but not without trials/tribulations
Hercules is the son of Zeus (god) and born to a mortal mother Alcmene
Hercules occupies a place mortal and divine.
His hero/god status was reached after he had to battle through the mortal side of him.
Hercules reached this pinnacle by carving out his own path. He is courage and physical strength which are divine qualities
God’s were disposed toward him because he was Zeus’s favorite son and was protected by Athena
Heracles owes his fame to heroism with which he overcame hardships
Asteroid 5143 or Heracles is where you can achieve this spot on Olympus but it’s through pure will, determination. You carve out your own destiny here
Example 👇
Famed boxer Mike Tyson
He has Heracles in his 9H in the sign of Aries
Aries is tied to the fighter as its ruler is mars otherwise known as Ares’ in mythology, God of war
Mars = fighter
His Heracles is also at 26° Aries
26° Aries = decadence, judgment, loss of tradition
so he reached god like status through boxing especially in other countries (9H).
However since Heracles is also the mortal side or human qualities we could say his anger (mars) was his own demise. Especially anger that was photographed or published about which is tied to 9H.
Want to add that his Heracles is on 26° which is tied to Taurus. Taurus is tied to Venus and Venus is tied to love. So he could have even showed his god like anger in people he was in relationships with
His Heracles also trines his Leo ascendant but it’s in a separating aspect
His Leo asc = 27°
27° = Gemini
Gemini = hands
He doesn’t know how to separate when to fight and when to not.
Leo 27° = sociable, goodwill, humane
But Leo is also tied to kings, gold
Fear is non existent with him with his Heracles aspecting his ascendant
But that’s also how he received gold like a king.
His Heracles asteroid on on 26° which is tied to Taurus
Taurus = Venus
Venus = wealth, luxury, love
Being paid for his anger, fighting
Unfortunately his anger was glamorized. Which is the mortal side of Heracles that Tyson had complete control over.
However for him, at that time morals didn’t matter.
If you want a show I will give you one. And that’s how he ended up on mount Olympus but not without consequences. Especially since his Heracles is in a house that rules over publishing
No matter how much scrubbing you try to do to wash that image, it will never go away.
An image that your mortal side created
Hope you enjoyed this thread
Enter your information into and then follow this video below on how to look at your Heracles asteroid
Divine Faith
Jul 06, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Success = Jupiter
Ex: J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series
Her Jupiter is in Gemini on 22°
22° Gemini = literature, loneliness at old age
Her dispositor (mercury) is in Virgo at 0° in 7H of public
Virgo/Gemini = writers
0° Virgo = fortune
Jupiter is going to expand In the 4H because that’s the house of cancer normally and Jupiter exalts in this sign
By the way her Jupiter is technically considered in detriment since it’s in Gemini however, for her it can give a big house, huge lands but possible estrangement from family.
She has her Jupiter conjunct 3 fixed star ⭐️
El Nath = fortune, success
Alnilam = Brief fame, quick temper, scandal
Al Hecka = honors, wealth, power, greed
Destined to be a famous writer and likely during her Jupiter years (30’s)
Jupiter is tied to the number 3 in numerology so imo I see your 30’s being tied to your Jupiter placement in some way
Divine Faith
Jun 29, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Just an fyi, this summer may seem a bit crazy, stagnant or lacking in areas you normally have fulfillment in. But why? Well that's because seven planets will be in retrograde 👇
7 planets will be in retrograde this summer
Pluto: June 12 - Oct. 1
Saturn 🪐 : June 17 - Nov. 3
Neptune : June 30 - Dec. 5
Venus : July 23 - Sept. 3
Mercury 🧠: Aug. 23 - Sept. 15
Uranus: Aug. 28 - Jan. 27
Jupiter : Sept. 4 through Dec. 30
Divine Faith
Jun 21, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Moon wasn’t making any applying aspects to any planets when sub went missing.
Moon in cancer 20°
20° = Scorpio
Scorpio = underground, graveyards, pools of water
20° cancer = unstable, violence
Moon is leaving 6H (animals)
Plus moon is trine a Pisces Neptune in 2H
Neptune = fog, gas, delusions
Moon would be considered void since it wasn’t making any aspects meaning no change to the situation or just lost.
Their oxygen supply may run out sooner than people think
Jupiter in the chart I pulled would represent the lost object, wandered off/down too far
Not sure if they are going to make it home.
Jupiter is squaring the 4H (end of matters) lord and separating.
Btw Jupiter (lord of lost object) is on 7° Taurus
7° Taurus= lazy, fatigue, lack
Imagine falling asleep at the wheel, by the time you wake up, crash
Honestly hope they make it back. Venturing down that deep in the ocean, you never know what animals or creatures you’ll come across.
Very scary
Divine Faith
Jun 05, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I’m only looking at his moon placement.
Moon can be tied to one’s personality and he has moon in Sagittarius
He also has his Neptune conjunct his moon in the 6H. Moon in 6th can be somewhat of a people pleaser and someone who wants to be needed
Sagittarius Moon at 21°
21° ♐️ = strife, aggressive spirit, eccentric
He may not really have a true personality or it changes depending on the people he’s around. Again with his moon being in 6H, he may focus too much on fitting in
Because his Neptune is conjunct his moon and Neptune rules drugs, fogginess, if you were to ask him why are you drinking or doing drugs he may say idk. Deep down it’s to fit in. when people don’t like him, depression soon follows which then can make him go to more extremes of drinking etc.
His Neptune is at 17° ♐️
17° = Leo = fame
People glorifying his drug use like it’s entertaining (the issue)
17° Sag = disorder, disappointment, foolish, lack of reason
Lack of reason goes back to my original point of him just doing it just because
Since his moon is involved and moon is tied to mother, his mother could be a sense of the disfunction.
Lack of rules
But I would say, deep down he possibly has always felt somewhat of a disappointment which is sad.
Almost like the kid in school who’s constantly screwing up but getting stuff but then when he becomes good now all of a sudden no more attention
👆why be good when being bad has more perks ☹️
As I mentioned before about scorpio and extremes, since his chart doesn’t have a Scorpio ruled house, I look at his mars
His mars is in Leo In the 2H on an Aries degree.
Leo/Aries = sports
So accumulating wealth off of extreme sports tied to blood because Aries/mars is blood as well.
Also mars in the 2H is a go getter and very materialistic
But also his 2H mars in a house of his values is making an aspect to his at fall Sun (Libra).
Unfortunately, he is a liar. But that’s what people do when they want to fit in, they lie.
Also a mars/sun unfavorable aspect can bring the earlier death of a father or father figure which, in his case can lead to major depression and prone more to his weaknesses.
Since he’s also born on the 28th day, and in numerology this is tied to wealth. But it also is tied to the sun
Sun in 4H in Libra on 4° = danger by sword/fire
Since he’s going through his mars return right now and it’s aspecting his sun, he needs to be careful
Especially house fires, intruders, burglary
He’s probably quite intelligent, but as I said before, being bad has more perks than being good
Hope he finds his way but also no one deserves to be constantly reminded how much of a screw up they are. I believe that started at an early age. Even if he tried to fix it, it always goes back to you’re such a screw up.
Sad 😢
Divine Faith
May 26, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I pulled an event chart for why T. swift wants this.
She’s signified by Aquarius (Saturn) which has a Uranus co-ruler
She’s Saturn in Pisces going into the 8H
8H = underworld, psychology, occult, research, investigation
Saturn in Pisces at 6°
6° Pisces = illumination, deep knowledge, study, devotion
Now swift, who’s Saturn is making aspects to about two planets in the tenth house
10H = career, influence
So that’s the first part as to why
Saturn’s (t swift) dispositor is Neptune in 8H Of Pisces
Neptune is at home here and it’s on 27°
27° Pisces = intellect, wisdom, healing
But also Jupiter belongs to Pisces
It’s in the 9H of Taurus at 2°
It’s incredible how swift has power however, in her eyes, she sees ice spice’s power as something she’s never obtained. Which is intriguing because she’s big.
However spiritual power can be bigger than earthly power.
Since swift also has a co-ruler of Uranus
Uranus is in Taurus at 19°
19° Taurus = envy
Power is changing hands and I feel possibly amongst the elites, Ice Spice Is becoming a favorite.
Something that swift is uncomfortable with. Again, spiritual power is a whole did fierend ball game.
Ice in this chart is signified by Capricorn since it’s 11th from Pisces
I used the 11H since it’s tied to collaborations
So ice spice is also signified by Saturn as well
We have two people battling for the top spot for power in the musical realm however one person knows it’s a competition and the other does not
Since they are both taken up by Saturn, I’m looking to see if any of taylor’s co-rulers aspect ice and they do not. My guess is that ice spice possibly was blindsided by this collab in a way. But Taylor has been doing research on her for a long time.
So Ice probably was excited, however since she too is Saturn and it’s transiting the 8H, she shouldn’t get too excited.
Saturn in the 8H can bring very unexpected transformations or even unfortunate situations.
Since it’s the house of death as well and the 6H cusp is in an earth sign, she should be careful of tall buildings or natural disasters.
What if swift is the tall building? And she is trying to collapse on top of ice’s success causing an unfortunate transformation.
I don’t think this collab will be good for ice but it will be good for Taylor.
Scratch a point I made above, Taylor swifts co-ruler of Jupiter is making a sextile to Saturn
So she will take something from this collab and pass the idea off as her own and profit from it but it came from ice spice first.
Divine Faith
May 12, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Doja Cat and her fans Doja’s 11H (fans) is ruled by Virgo (mercury) Her 11H is on 5° Virgo 5° = cheerful, unstable, scars So her fans see her as this 👆 However, her 11H lord (mercury) is in her 12H Mercury in the 12H can make a person always feel misunderstood Doja also has mercury/Jupiter aspecting positively, she has bars. The flow comes with this connection and it's just Back to her feeling misunderstood, she also feels unappreciated. Her mercury is on 9° Libra 9° Libra= unfortunate for partnerships, loss of partners But also mercury in 12H can be loss of business contracts since mercury is the salesman. The 12H is also very karmic and since mercury rules the 11H, if she is operating from her ego and being completely selfish she will get herself in debt, but it’s possible mental health issues. For some reason it makes me think of someone who hears voices in their heads 11H lord in 12H = getting into debt Lashing out = lack of accountability My guess is that she messed up somewhere. Maybe even blaming her fans Ex: saying to her fans if they hadn’t pushed her to do a certain genre then she wouldn’t be like this. Again, not wanting to take accountability for the part she played But also, maybe she’s cracking over a bad deal she signed The key against this is for her to not let her ego guide her aspirations and I believe that’s what she initially did. And now, all those years of living too much through her ego, feeding the negative side of this 11H lord in the 12H, is coming back (karmic) Not saying it’s Karma, but this aspect is karmic. Meaning if she doesn’t identify the lessons then that’s when karma will follow. ‘Success might be found when they do good things for those who need help or those trapped in isolation’
Divine Faith
May 12, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
This has been requested by one of my lovely followers. You can make requests as well by commenting on any of my posts or you can send an email Aubrey = performer Drake = the linguist Since Drake’s first name is Aubrey, I’ll start there A= Mars Drake has Mars in Aquarius in the 6H The 6H is a Cadent house which are thoughts but not enough action. Aquarius = actor So it’s no wonder he started off as an actor The 6H can be our habits, so it’s muscle memory for him to be performative however I don’t think he would have had the success he has now by just going by Aubrey. He has mars square Pluto which is the drive but again Pluto and mars are in houses that struggle with giving action. But mars/Pluto can be aggressive and go after their dreams. I have a feeling that maybe his mother didn’t want him doing music so acting was just the way to appease this person so he could get to music. Now Drake D= Cancer = Moon He has moon in cancer in 11H The initial d is also tied to the base of operations. So It wouldn’t shock me if he built his own city. It kind of remind me of the hunger games where they have the capital and the 12 districts. He may call it ovo land or something like that So with him going by Drake it puts a lot of emphasis on his moon to me Moon= 12° Cancer Cancer = women 12 = Pisces = dreamy Women find him so dreamy especially since his chart ruler (1st house) is making an aspect to Neptune Neptune= Pisces 12° Cancer= linguist, Knowledgeable, changeful temper Makes sense that he’s always trying different styles Since his moon is at home (cancer) is in the 11H of fans, friends, hopes and dreams, climbing to fame by using ‘Drake’ was genious His 11H is on the 28° Gemini which is one of the most fortunate degrees when it comes to fame, wealth and major success. His fame will never dip I did notice though that he has two grand trines in water Moon in cancer, Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio. I think his songs are more so like ballads to his wife, a wife he doesn’t have yet. But he really really wants her. But the only planet in an action house is his Jupiter If he’s trying to force himself to find a wife, he will come off as a whiner. Women whom he seeks out probably feels this and they are like “back the f**k up weirdo” Because Aubrey = the weird one Since his mars is squaring Pluto Pluto is his generation Aubrey doesn’t Feel like he fits in but Drake does. See the confusion he may have within himself. This confusion could even have him going through a lot of physical changes in appearance. But when the time comes, he will be a great husband, I strongly believe it but he has to stop looking Now when it comes to his sun sign He has sun in Scorpio ♏️ at 0°. 0° = truest expression of the sign it occupies So his Scorpio tendencies may be extreme. Especially if he is operating from the lower type of Scorpio This sign out of all has extreme distinction between a healed and unhealed Scorpio An unhealed Scorpio can be mistrustful, jealous, envious, the destroyer. And with Drake’s sun (masculine) being on 0° Scorpio, men may see him as quarrelsome or even someone who incites unnecessary violence I believe with his grand water trine he wants to be able to display his emotions and women likely give him the opportunity to do so which could be why they may not see him operating in his lower Scorpio vibration. Also, on the other side, his moon in the 11H can make him someone who may seek you out for superficial reasons. Meaning, if he has no use for you he could very well pass you over or even stand next to you and act like you don’t exist. But also he likes to be inspired by the people he works with but you have to be careful because he also could steal your flow if he’s operating out of his lower Scorpio energy. His north node is in the 9H of God-like complex, making him probably insufferable at times and a know it all. I have a feeling that the woman he will pick will probably be someone that has authority over him. Makes him her little bi**h Kind of like how Camilla is with Charles. And Drake is going to fold every time. I bet she probably won’t be considered feminine either. A woman who plays sports has a better chance at him than a beauty pageant queen It makes sense he was interested in Serena, that’s the type, she’s the type. I noticed his child’s mother has the strong energy as well
Divine Faith
May 09, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I don’t know what’s going on with Jamie foxx but names are important If you didn’t know, Jamie’s real name is Eric Bishop (found this out last year lol) But in numerology, Jamie Foxx, is a culmination of mercury and mars Jamie Foxx = 59 in numerology A great number however the downside is adverse health issues and bad dietary habits. Mars/mercury conjunct is very left brained energy but also makes one really competitive. Imagine the stress that you put you’re body under when you’re trying to compete with everyone. This also means he's likely, not even paying attention to his health at all. Maybe he’s trying to compete to not be associated with his own kind, if you get my drift. He has mercury in Sagittarius ♐️ 12° 12° = Pisces Pisces= spiritual, alcohol, drugs, gas (weed), the boogeyman (maybe not 😂) Since mercury in sag can be the comedian he probably didn’t take his health serious at all. Not sure if he was relying on shots or some sort of quick solution to fix his health issues and then boom, here comes the crash Mars in Aquarius at 9° 9° = sagittairus 9° sag= impulsive sudden life-altering events and changes. Whatever the outcome, I hope he learns from this, because this one could likely have very long-term effects or extensive healing
Divine Faith
May 09, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I really hope you got the reference in the first part 🤣 So let's talk about RnB singer Brian McKnight and this whole new family situation Brian McKnight has his moon in Aquarius in the 6H The 6H is considered a weak position for the moon to be in, not to mention its in a Saturn ruled sign. His moon squares Neptune which means he is heavily influenced by the woman he dates/marries So it’s possible that the woman he is influenced by could be the one that wants it to be just about her family/him and not any extras 3rd from his moon sign would be his Venus in Aries Venus= wife He seeks peace through his wife however his 29° Aries Venus = isolation Another aspect of his woman wanting to pull him away. But also this degree says he can get easily hurt by women. Hence the karmic nature tied to it. Btw, his second wife may be a manifestation of his first wife; very self-serving. Also with his moon in Aquarius, he may do really well at being fake nice or caring about you when he really doesn’t. But I also believe he seeks women who are self-serving like him, aloof or even detached. Him saying he never felt those things until his second wife is a lie to me. He has, even if it wasn't for his first wife, I feel he still felt them, but he does good at acting like you don't exist when you no longer bring him peace or have value. Discards you as if you're trash His 9H = second marriage 9H = Taurus 0° 0° Taurus = happiness in marriage 7H = first marriage 7H = Pisces 8° 8° Pisces = power 1st marriage gave him the power but not the happiness he was looking for which is why it was so easy for him to discard them
Divine Faith
May 07, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Walk with me for a second, Chris Brown Chris Brown just turned 34. 34= 7 = moon So during this year his moon energy will likely be very prevalent He has moon in Taurus, which is exalted, however it’s on 17° 17° Taurus= warlike temperament, strife Not to mention his moon is in the 10H 10H= career, public, reputation The public downfall for his personality (moon) could be hitting him this year more than ever 34 in numerology is also linked to overindulgence in sex, addictions, carnal pleasures Because in the number 34 it is a combination of north node + moon energies. His north node is in his 7H, which can bring shame to one’s family or relationships and his NN is also squaring his mercury. His nodal square to mercury is like a skipped step from his past or current life. His mercury square nn solidifies his undeniable talent, gifts he brought over but also his is a danger to himself and maybe even an enemy. Critical, rude, can be mentally abrasive or abusive if he can’t control his frustrations, which I feel is the constant recurring theme in his life. Not to mention his moon sits opposite his 4H Pluto = mommy issues galore. Whatever relationship he saw his mother go through, it’s likely he gives the same experience in his own personal relationships. Some people are built for fame, not this guy His Saturn is so close to being in the 6H of habits, health, law, crime, litigation His 13° Capricorn Saturn says he can’t handle criticism, it makes him aggressive. And with it so close to the 6H, it just confirms he is a danger to himself. Saturn = rewards, Karma, time, destiny His 1H ruler = Leo = Sun Sun in Taurus at 15° 15° in Leo, taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio = misfortune The first house has a linkage to Saturn since 1= Capricorn So we can look at the first house as well to look at destiny or later years As his gets older he could very much face unfortunate waters since his sun is on 15° Law or litigation could be the unfortunate thing and this time he may not be able to escape it
Divine Faith
May 06, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Camilla Parker-Bowles has her 1H lord in the 12H (cancer) trining her Jupiter. Diana, nor any other woman stood a chance 12H = bed pleasures, affairs Cancer = privacy Why is cancer privacy? Well it's naturally tied to the 4H which deals with private matters 12H Lord = sun at 23° Cancer 23° = cruel nature or by any means necessary This is not funny but kind of funny 😆. If I had to pick a theme song for Charles to Camilla, it would be “weak” by swv That man is and will never leave the trenches. Plus 23° cancer is connected to prisons, so If she told him bark like a dog, he probably would. BTW, look at her eyes 👀 in this picture. You can see the cruelty hidden behind a smirk Btw, scorpios always have that one person, that no matter what they’ve done, they’ll never leave them. Normally that person can be seen as cruel or cold to others but for Scorpio placements they end up feeling right at home Scorpio deals with death/rebirth but also the underworld since it's tied to the 8H. So if they find someone that allows them to exercise their Scorpio themes and not be ran off, Scorpio's would die for them. And I'm sure becayse Camilla showed no fear, that's what sold him. She isn't afraid of Charles' underworld. Plus, in Synastry, Camilla has all her 12H placements in Charles 12H. KARMIC KARMIC KARMIC. When Camilla was married to someone else, Charles was probably outside her window with a boom box, playing love songs. Even with him being married to someone else, he didn’t care. IMO, when it comes to Synastry, you want to be the planets that fall in their house, especially in water sign houses (4H, 8H, 12H). Example: Charles is a Leo rising, which makes his 12H in cancer. Camilla is a quadruple cancer, so her planets fall in his 12H. The planets bring the energy to the house person meaning the house person will feel it more. One last thing, I associate the 12H with one’s love language. Something that we need but we may not realize it, until it’s given to us. Since it’s a secretive house and one that rules your bed pleasures, if someone can master this, they will probably be yours forever.
Divine Faith
Apr 24, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Hey guys, did a quick event chart to see energetically speaking where Don is at after being let go of from CNN. Don lemon being let go of from CNN He’s signified by a Saturn in Pisces in the 8H 8H = death, debts He has basically been gut checked because he feels CNN owes him But he (Saturn) is making an applying aspect to a 29° Gemini moon 29° = karmic ending Gemini(mercury)= communication Likely numbers played a role or the public (moon) is not interested in what he has to say anymore. Something that he may not want to accept 10th from him would be Jupiter in Aries in 10H. So if CNN got a new boss, they are the ones that let him go 2nd from him (saturn) is a mars in cancer (fall). His salary has gone to a woman as they felt he was being overpaid It does feel that a woman was behind this decision. And she wanted to let him go a month ago CNN feels like it’s downsizing since it’s represented by a mercury retrograde in Taurus (wealth). Since he is represented by a 4° Pisces Saturn 4° Pisces = a smart ass (sometimes), very intelligent, money through the arts Possibly being a smart butt at times to someone important is what kicked this off and his attitude of it will never happen to me so I can say what I want Him trying to go to an old boss (Saturn trine in 10H) won’t help at all This is the end for him and they won’t be asking him to come back. He’s stressed for sure since Saturn in 8H can bring unexpected events and changes which can result in developing an extreme habit to cope Forgot to add that Don was fired during a void-of-course moon. When the moon is void it's not working and nothing will good or even beneficial will come of the situation because of it being void. CNN is done with him so he doesn't stand a chance when it comes to getting his job back. Even if he wanted to, they want him to shut up and leave
Divine Faith
Apr 23, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
I did this analysis right when the allegations first popped up. So the information in this thread was posted almost a month ago. *out of curiosity* Looked at the horary. IMO Jonathan majors and the alleged involved party are back together. He’s signified by mars in the chart. Mars is in cancer, which is the sign of its fall. 7th from cancer mars is a Pisces Saturn. Saturn and mars are making an applying trine to one another. Mars is In the 2H and Saturn is in the 11H. This other person may have been hoping that majors would choose them. Possibly even being open or hospitable to other parties. Thinking that at the end of the day they will be his number one Also, I fear this happens a lot. Majors is on 0° cancer 0° Cancer = good marriage, sympathy So an apology could be coming 👇 But I also know that mars is squaring a sun in the 12H Sun being 2nd from him (mars) and mars being in the house of money A financial something has likely already left his life five days prior or could be happening. This will happen quietly, since sun is going into the 12H. For some reason I’m thinking publicist or some sort of representation. 👇 He needs to get his emotions under control. And sorry doesn't always fix it. I’m curious if he is married or making promises like that and he knows it’s not what he wants. Also since 11H is fans, leaks of possibly past history could be coming. 👇 I would think it’s from the alleged third party or could be a friend of the third party. He should be careful to not get sued. Saturn is slow, so two months, two years Forgot that Saturn/mars = boxer Plus, I always look at the date someone was born. It tells me a lot, energetically speaking. Majors was born on the 7th of September. 7= moon = emotions He has his natal moon squaring sun Moon = 8° sag 8° = Saturn, Leo 8° Sagittarius moons may be kind of difficult to deal with emotionally if they don’t feel loved. They want to feel things deep If they don’t feel it and other aspects are not in the moon's favor they may emotionally unravel and you should not be in the vicinity
Divine Faith
Apr 23, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Selena Gomez may be too quick to jump to conclusions about how people feel about her . Looking at her chart she has her Cancer sun in her 12H at 29°. 12H= subconscious, the undoing Cancer = “I feel” Now just because she feels something is off doesn’t mean it’s actually Happening. She has a tight aspect from her sun to her 10H/MC and it’s a square. Sun in the 12H can be really good with emotions, being empathic and sensitive but sometimes she can feel too much and think someone doesn’t like her without the facts. I think 12H sun people Struggle with others not liking them. It gives “what did I do?” When they could have overstepped but because they are empathic or emotional, people may give them an easy pass. Someone who also may always think people are doing things to them, which may not be the reality. So with her sun/MC square aspect, people not liking her or seeing her in a different light likely bothers her. 29° cancer = judgment, millionaire daring, freedom, intelligence Also this aspect can make someone go to a length of ‘by any means necessary’ With this aspect I can see her emotions being like a tornado or she can simply destroy. Again 12H is the house of the undoing It never looks pretty when the 12H unzips itself. But her fans, which are ruled by the 11H will NEVER see her as anything else but kind, generous
Admirable. Her 11H lord is mercury, sitting in her 1H on a Leo degree (17°) Her fans put her on a pedestal and heal her self confidence. 17° Leo= admired, shining, brilliant, sympathy, generous So MAYBE, imo, the fans are summoned when she’s not feeling too great about herself and then BOOM, they give her the boost. The thing that can get tricky here with her 11H lord is that they will never not see her for anything other than what they want her to be. Even if accountability needs to come in to play, it won’t matter. The fans say she did nothing wrong and that's the conclusion she will ultimately come to
Divine Faith
Apr 23, 2023
In Astrology Discussions
Disclaimer: these readings and insights are for entertainment purposes only Mercury in Leo 1° 1° Leo = weakness, long-lasting, changes opinion too much, codependent, depressed Leo=entertainer 1° is also tied to Aries which can be the impulsive one but in this case I also get the imposter Since her mercury is in Leo, making an aspect to her Pluto (generation). People may feel she is the weaker one of the two sisters in terms of talent. So the world sees Halle >>>> Chloe Also we know that Aries can force things being naturally tied to the first house. Saying this because again, her mercury sits on an Aries degree. Aries = the face Nothing to do with the throat which belongs to Taurus Also she has mercury square Saturn Mercury/Saturn aspect in this chart is unfavorable Meaning it would be hard for her to come from under Mercury things. Mercury is tied to younger siblings since it also has a linkage to the 3H So trying to come from under her younger sister’s shadow is becoming more noticeable But Chloe also has a grand trine that includes Pluto and Jupiter. She can make lots of wealth (jup + Pluto). IMO, Chloe was possibly forced into doing music for Halle to have a career and to feel more comfortable. And this aspect alone that I spoke about makes me think she didn’t want to do this but she did it to support her sister This is why her energy is not flowing in music But also her Saturn is on 1° Taurus 1° Taurus = impotence, Magic, needs to have a better attitude about life, life lessons With the 1° Taurus Saturn she struggles with criticism but also doesn’t take heed to what’s being said. Some criticism is needed If she’s not careful she can become a damsel in distress
Divine Faith
Jan 13, 2022
In General Discussion
Let's get this started. I know most of you aren't Aquarius' but a prediction came out in their general reading for the next six months and something about a politician going down or getting into an accident came out. Heavy mars energy so it could be anyone with those particular placements? but who do you think it could be? Honestly, it may be going down for something sexual on the government's dime.

Divine Faith
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