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Aries: 8 of cups (rx) : No message, lack of depth, intolerance, jealous partner, canceled trip/party because of a lover, loneliness, sacrificing your happiness
Taurus: 8 of wands (rx): turmoil, old pictures of an ex, photography, waiting, reviews
Gemini: Tower (rx): walking away, divorce, unexpected money from the past, visitor, confronting someone
Cancer: page of cups (rx): lacking emotion and understanding, faking it, psychic attacks, creative blockages, IDGAF (I don't give a fu*%k)
Leo: King of Wands: honor, recognition, safe space, new relationship, popular, sweet tooth, changing your hair
Virgo: Five of pentacles: Break up, more bills than money, difficult air sign, issues sleeping, living above your means, transportation failure
Libra: King of Swords (rx): not an expert, study more, half-truths, financial issues in a relationship but not leaving, avoiding the doctor
Scorpio: 3 of swords: separation, enduring heartbreak, not moving, misunderstood by community, issues with electronics, choosing the love with stability, dropping a fire sign
Sagittarius: 3 of wands (rx): return to sender, undelivered package, not ready for a new relationship, scalp issues, canceling trip with new love, at home business
Capricorn: Ace of Cups: New beginning, new love, new artwork, starting a garden, growing your hair out, unexpected pregnancy, a water sign, libra, trade shows, reconciliation
Aquarius: page of pentacles: thinking about going back to school, new responsibilities, promotion, $80,000-$140,000 salary, entry-level position, a younger earth sign, coffee shop
Pisces: knight of swords (rx): air sign playing games, water sign lover, stagnant career, a new mentor, reconciling a friendship, beach day, getting married in 10-19 months but to who?
rx= reversed
