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Next 72 HRS 📰


TAURUS ♍️: Queen of Pents: time to be more practical, don’t be afraid to love again, thinking of adopting a child, stability will guide you, work from home position.

VIRGO ♍️: Temperance: getting an extension, speaking with a professor about a grade. Trying to stop yourself from contacting someone who you said you’d never talk to again, someone will meet you halfway, don’t run out of gas, study abroad, visiting a different country

CAPRICORN ♑️: 8 of swords: restricted, not time to move forward yet, overthinking, careful Hiking or biking, someone you are trying to move on from will try to get you pregnant, throw away old makeup or a bad skin rash is coming, advocating for human rights


GEMINI ♊️: Six of pents: new purse or backpack, co-signing for someone or someone will ask you to, dealing with a Leo at a distance, getting to a mutual understanding

LIBRA ♎️: Empress: upgrading your fashion sense, redecorating your home, having more abundance coming in, sewing or considering starting a clothing line, art museum, having takeout on Tuesday, a surprise date

AQUARIUS ♒️: Four of swords: sleep deprived, waking up at 4am, ringing in the ears, busy season slows down, withdrawing from an Aries or Libra, being invited to a family event or outing with your family.


LEO ♌️ : Queen of swords: clarity, being closed off to someone trying to apologize, shutting off your phone, deleting a social media profile, mother having health issues, allow more grace and give yourself grace. Healing takes time

ARIES ♈️: 8 of cups: Abandoning a connection with a water sign, kidney or gum issues, threatening to leave someone to see if they’ll change, feeling emotionally drained by Tuesday, missing your family. Patience

SAGITTARIUS ♐️: 9 of wands: key doesn’t work, persevere, losing hope since they haven’t contacted you in a week, lock your card, locked border, enlisting in the military or dealing with someone who is, you inherited your grandfather’s bad knees


CANCER ♋️: 3 of wands: don’t miss your flight. Feeling more productive, manifesting a text or to meet someone again you forgot to give your number to, reviewing contracts. New collaborations

SCORPIO ♏️: King of Cups: feeling better. Much needed talk with a best friend. Getting close to someone, another water sign. Being the mediator, therapy, being more empathetic about a recent breakdown.

PISCES ♓️: 9 of pents: time alone, gardening, building something, making space for a baby, feeling timid about a meeting with your boss having the much needed talk with someone. No hard feelings but it’s time to move on

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