Aries: The World (rx*): writing, cloak, the color white, expensive travels, dog, boarding school, incomplete certificate or not finishing a test, repeating yourself over and over again with a fixed sign, sleeping pills, changing your major, issues with swollen feet or ankles, music therapy, rainwater, purple robe
Angel Message: hidden agendas, air sign-liar, facial, spa days, be your authentic self, don't lie to get by
Taurus: Knight of Cups rx: pretending, questioning someone's sexuality, canceling a date, marking your calendar, 17th of the month, Pisces, another Taurus, cancer, bruised inner thigh, death, necklace, the color brown, Vincent, painting, a player trying to talk to you, visiting a grandmother or mother, throat issues
Angel Message: watching, personal journey, red dirt, Arizona, pocket watch, personal trainer, 6-60 days
Gemini: 3 of Cups rx: dry conversation, wanting to stay home a lot, larynx, Capricorn friend, bonfire, camp counselor, drinking game, hockey, curly brown hair, military orders, jealousy from a sibling, walking on rocks, riverbank, being annoyed by friends, college party, a lover from a different religion, Aquarius, watch the clock
Angel Message: distractions, dreamworld, looking for a message, needing better advice, watching a lot of tv
Cancer: 4 of swords: rest, chill, a new attitude, ignoring a libra, Aquarius or Gemini, in your own world, going to the doctor, status update, taking the week off, getting better sleep, thunderstorm warning, lactose intolerant, separation, becoming okay with a relationship ending, principal, resolving things with a family member, peace
Angel Message: Divine timing, studying the metaphysical more, dreaming about a soulmate, unexpected offer
Leo: 3 of pentacles: hard work, overtime, work before love, a company party, yard sale, consignment store, planning a trip, talking about marriage, getting lost in an unfamiliar place, ask for directions, piccolo, jazz band, tutorial, birthday dinner, compass, oil change, tires, family photo, Nicole, Letter N
Angel Message: stuck between two options, afraid to make a decision, a wake-up call
Virgo: Two of Pentacles: trying to find a second job, budgeting, finances, they want you to go with the flow because they don't know about the future, catching an earth sign boss, friend or lover in a lie, windows, Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, cutting your finger or hand, red hat, shakey emotions, clothes fitting too tight, Achilles tendon, star of David, egyptology, have your headaches checked, this is not the week for love
Angel Message: Help is there if you ask, finding something you lost up to 7 years ago, your inner voice
Libra: Four of Cups rx: feeling misunderstood, feeling unappreciated by a mom or child, sex drive low, weening yourself off alcohol or smoking, foggy mind or memories, charity, food dye, eagle, lost in space, craving Chinese food, finally saying 'no', ignoring your father's calls, not happy about your career right now, you want a promotion, you might have to change jobs
Angel Message: raising your vibration, sing a song, protect your energy, and fall in love with yourself again, if you dream about pregnancy then a new beginning is really close
Scorpio: 5 of Swords: chaotic week, arguing about petty things, friends may call you a party pooper, caring about what other people think, a person you like is giving you the cold shoulder, you'll pick a fight with them, craving jello, illness affecting your throat, canvas, an eye for an eye mentality, a home environment becoming uncomfortable, arguing about commitment/marriage, your abundance is protected, do the right thing and walk away, more than one person wants your attention, being catfished
Angel Message: this is not who you are, get back to integrity, balance your root chakra by connecting with the earth, feeling as if you messed up, and don't become a people pleaser
Sagittarius: Knight of Pentacles: stability, a move due to work, a slow-moving earth sign, looking for new places to live, gardening, digging up something from the past, feeling motivated by someone around you, working with computers, a career in tech, jump rope, get back in touch with your inner child, an honest conversation with an earth or air sign, indigestion, visa issues, optimism
Angel Message: a chance meeting, tap more into your feminine, put more effort into your self-care routine, wish them the best even if it didn't work
Capricorn: Ace of Pentacles: Money, Money, Money!, New opportunity, someone finds you attractive, shooting your shot to someone unexpected, an offer will be made in the future from this person, reading again, a business idea falls in your lap, secret meeting, 'you're glowing', be careful of running a fever by the end of the week, spontaneous trip, getting into graduate school, a scholarship, surprise, a check is coming
Angel Message: time to put yourself first, take a cleansing bath, and get rid of the need to criticize yourself, You're doing great
Aquarius: Emperor: father time, father figure, standing firm on your decision, promotion opportunity, a gift from your grandfather, wanting to start a family, feeling nervous around someone new, stuck in traffic, a caterer, not stressing about it anymore, yard work needs to be done, a fish tank, the father or mother of your child wants to talk, the Fugees, stuffed animals, government, being the head of the family, a new love from a fire or water sign
Angel Message: don't stop working on whatever you're building, you need to find peace this winter, fall asleep and dream of what you want life to be in 10 years
Pisces: Six of Cups: feeling at home, a reunion with friends or an old boss, feeling like a kid again, a younger water sign, gravel, pleasure, someone from your past reaching out (could be past life as well), definitely past life, there's an ex that will be giving you attention but you will ignore them, feeling suffocated by a mother, manifesting a new beginning, a lot of communication, being in the field of sales or communication, home ownership, whoever this person is coming in has a very very strong tie with you, don't get shy, blocking an air sign, closing on a house or property, photography,
Angel Messages: It's okay to have choices and it's okay to not know which one to take, don't get greedy, thanksgiving, and don't get consumed by the image
*rx: reverse