Sagittarius ♐️: feeling fed up with someone's passivity. A person may force you to talk about your private business in a way to be petty towards you. If you are trying to create some sort of online personality or forum this month, it may not be the best time for this. Not saying you won't be popular with this but you will however, this month you may feel that the energy is just too negative. It's best to seek things that bring balance in June. A water sign may even be trying to lead you astray as well because this person feels that you think you're better than everyone. You may realize this person you're dealing with just won't leave their past alone despite them trying to hide it from you. So it may be the final straw and you'll have no choice but to walk away. Finances need to be balanced out.
Listen here 👉 SAGITTARIUS JUNE 2023
Capricorn ♑️: what's your price? Everyone has one. This is a time where you may have to sacrifice family or love in order to go to the next level financially speaking. All though some of you may be like you don't care because family/love means nothing but I wouldn't be so sure about that. There is a chance for you to accept a new opportunity that will make you love your job or work and if that time comes this month then you need to grab on to this. It's okay to fail, what's life without this vaulable lesson. Mistakes are about of it and you can't stand still like a statue because you are afraid to be human. No one is withholding success from you, you're just in your own way.
Listen here 👉 CAPRICORN JUNE 2023
Aquarius ♒️: needing to protect yourself and your property from people who you feel are trying to attack you. You've never really though about living in another country in the past but here recently you'll start to think about it more. There is a new contract coming that will require your signature and it could be you buying a new home or a new work contract. Abundance is around you so you don't have to work yourself into the ground this month. You have the means or you have the ability to just rest. You could be dating someone internationally that has moved on from their hoe phase 😂. This person genuinely wants to do right by you if you'll allow it. And no, they don't want to be back with their ex even if they have kids. They are falling for you hard, and although it's scary, try not to panic.
Listen Here 👉 AQUARIUS JUNE 2023
Pisces ♓️: the power of prayer and blessings. Setting better boundaries and rules when it comes to people in your life. Some may not like it but you're doing it because it's best for you. You may have the gift of channeling or some sort of strong spiritual gift that you're letting go to waste. Now if you are in the spiritual realm as a career, then you're in the right spot. It's possible you were a prophet in your past life and although it doesn't make sense to you, God believes in you. If you want to go back to school, then go ahead. A new job with great security could be on its way in to you and your talent will finally be seen by the right people. Government grants and loans are likely to be approved after the 15th of this month. Your destiny is whatever you want it to be but first you have to stand on truth. Keep climbing the mountain, you'll get there.
Listen Here 👉 PISCES JUNE 2023
