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May 23-29: Slowing down a bit

For the extended version, you can view it at the link below. Must be subscribed to my vault (if you aren't already) in order for you to read it

Aries ♈️ - Death (rx)*- slow ending, sadness, car issues

Taurus ♉️- Emperor- co-parenting, STD (syphilis), inheritance, management position

Gemini ♊️ - 3 of cups (rx)*- Jealous friend/neighbor, canceled party, on the run, miscommunication

Cancer ♋️ - 7 of pentacles (rx)*- lack of growth, hair, fever, closing a chapter, lack of recognition, name your price

Leo ♌️- King of Cups (rx)*- dieting, new clothes, steroid shot, anxiety

Virgo ♍️- Seven of Cups (rx)*- illusion, the internet, melancholy, maintenance, winner’s circle

Libra ♎️-Queen of pentacles (rx)*- body conscious, sore breasts, too much sugar, greed, sick pet

Scorpio ♏️- King of Wands- solitude, grace, peace, new boss

Sagittarius ♐️-Hierophant- structure, government, envelope coming, receipts, cashed check

Capricorn ♑ - Devil- Obsession, addictions, fire, Taurus, Signature, rough sex

Aquarius ♒️ - Six of Wands (rx)*- boundaries, loss of reputation, issues with health, mission trip, no promotion

Pisces ♓ - Tower - crossing the line, revelation, unexpected money, an offer from someone who put you in a third party situation

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